Run your own notebooks

Run your own notebooks#

You might be interested in running your own notebooks in an OGGM-Edu environment, for example during the development phase or for a class you are giving.

Fortunately, this is very easy to do! All you need to do is to provide the notebooks you would like to run in an online git repository (e.g. GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket). For example, we have created an oggm-edu-contrib with one single notebook to get you started. We use the same principle for the official OGGM-Edu notebooks repository. See also Existing classes based on OGGM-Edu for examples from other instructors.

Ideally, we would like all OGGM-Edu related content to be bundled here on this open platform: if you are creating educational resources based on OGGM-Edu, please get in touch so that we can advertise them!

On MyBinder#

Using your own notebooks in an OGGM-Edu Binder environment is super easy! Once your notebooks are online, you simply have to provide the correct link to your students. The syntax is following:<PATH/TO/YOUR/REPO>

For example, a link to our contrib repository looks like:

What is happening here? The first part of the link (up to the question mark) is telling MyBinder to use the OGGM environment we are maintaining here (we use the stable branch). The second part of the link is using nbgitpuller to fetch the provided online repository and its content. That’s all!

This was the most basic example. If you want to use other features, like using the Jupyter Lab interface (instead of the simple notebooks interface), and if you want to start at an arbitrary location in the repository (for example within a folder), the syntax is a bit more clumsy. The best way (by far!) is to rely on nbgitpuller’s link generator to do the job for you.

For example, we start the OGGM-Edu tutorials with this link:

It’s getting quite long, I know! What’s best therefore is to hide the links behind a badge.


Since August 2021, we provide a dedicated OGGM JupyterLab server running on a dedicated machine in Bremen. (that’s its name!) is like OGGM-Hub, but tailored for instructors and their classes.

The advantages of OGGM-classroom over Binder are:

  • more resources for your students, faster launches

  • user management: you can set passwords and user names at wish

  • persistent sessions: work can be saved between sessions and log-ins (this is by far the main advantage)

We are currently in the testing phase, and it is unclear how many students we can allow to run their notebooks at the same time. However, we managed to run classes with more than 20 students logged in at the same time already! If you are willing to try it out, please get in touch and we will do our best to let you use it with your class!

Similarly to MyBinder, you can create a link for your students to download the content of your notebooks repository very easily. We recommend to use nbgitpuller’s link generator for this purpose.

For example, we can start the OGGM-Edu tutorials on with this link:

Again, hiding the links behind a badge makes it prettier:



Technical details#

The computing environments available via MyBinder are Docker containers, or “software capsules” that can be created, pushed and pulled online. We create these containers using a few simple configuration files specifying the software packages and python libraries we would like to used in OGGM-Edu. These configurations files are found in these repositories: OGGM/r2d (for JupyterHub), OGGM/binder (for MyBinder).

Working images are available on to form the base of the Binder environments.